Tuesday, December 15, 2009

10 Tips To Get Your Spouse To Be Attracted To You Again! and a Christmas Bonus

Found this great article written by Melody Chase titled "10 Tips To Get
Your Spouse To Be Attracted To You Again!"

It happens to the best of us, for one reason or another
your partner is not physically attracted to you anymore.

Your partner may be stressed or distracted, emotionally
shutdown due to a build up of relationship deficiencies
and toxicities including loss of respect or judgment of
you, or he/she is having an affair or the two of you are
on a relationship break or are already broken up. 

Whatever the case may be if the attraction was once there
then it is possible to get that attraction back. 

The following are 10 Simple Tips that can reignite that
flame in your relationship: 

1) Be Detached:
When we are attached to anything in our life, we have a
tendency to make decisions based on fear or desperation
when it comes to what it is that we are attached to and
nothing repels a person more than someone who is coming
across as desperate. So when you get into a state of
detachment you win in at least two ways 
a) You are centered enough to make rational, functional decisions 
b) You do not care about the outcome of  the situation so you
will come across as stable and confident.

2) Be Confident: 
Speaking of being confident, the reality is being
confident is attractive and appealing and these are the
two things that you want to be to your partner. So fake it
if you have to but make it your mission to look, feel and
just plain be confident about yourself. 

3) Be Just a Tad Flirty: 
Less is more - flirt just a little bit so your partner
gets a hint of what you are like when you flirt.  Be like
a Movie Trailer Teaser so your partner is left wanting
more, even just simple things like if you are a woman -
flipping your hair back or playing with your necklace as

4) Look Good Without Over Doing It: 
Getting a complete make-over and plastic surgery gives the
impression that you have an agenda to get your partner
back and/or attracted to you and if he/she is not ready,
this will push him/her away, so just subtly dress a little
bit more provocatively and put some highlights in your
hair and a little more make-up, maybe a new perfume or
cologne etc.

5) Match Level of Physical Commitment: 
At our Centre we talk about Matching Level of Commitment
meaning that if you pursue someone the other person's 1st
instinct if he (she) is at a different level of commitment
is to run away - therefore you must match his/her level of
commitment. The same goes for physical commitment, if
he/she steps back, you step back, he/she moves in closer,
you move in closer and then every once in a while throw in
a little brush of a leg or an arm "by accident" so there
is a little element of surprise. 

6) Compliment: 
If your partner has closed him/herself off physically from
you there is usually an underlying emotional reason, so
might as well make any interaction that you have with your
partner an emotionally pleasant one and give compliments
to your partner whenever possible without over doing it,
this will warm him/her up both emotionally and physically.

7) Be Unconditional:
Let's face it the world is a conditional place, so one of
the best ways to help let your partner's guard down is by
being unconditionally loving towards him or her, no matter
what he (she) is doing or saying or not doing or saying -
love him/her anyway. Even if you don't say it out loud,
make a decision to feel this way towards him (her) as well
as not criticize him/her about anything and he (she) will
begin to physically loosen up as well as emotionally begin
letting his/her guard down.

8) Be Fun Without Overdoing It:
O.k. no swinging off the chandelier, being too much fun
indicates that you are trying too hard, so just be fun in
an easy, breezy relaxed way and your partner will follow
suit. Plus laughter is a great bonding experience and
promotes the release of the feel good brain chemical
Serotonin, so your partner will be able to connect and
have a sense of well-being around you. 

9) Validate:
Nothing shuts a person down more than constantly being
invalidated and since everything is made up of energy,
your partner's interest and energy for sex is going take a
plunge as well, so try out an experiment and see what
happens if you keep validating your partner even if he/she
is completely wrong in his (her) views and see how much more
affectionate and attracted he (she) will be towards you over

10) Be Open To Others Flirting With You: 
You may be one of those people who are 100% loyal and
attentive to your partner and the thought of you flirting
with others makes you cringe. However, in this situation a
little, just a touch of flirting with others is just what
it takes to make your partner realize that other people
find you attractive. A little flirting with others will
get your partner thinking that he or she may be missing
out on something or is going to miss out on something if
he (she) doesn't start reconsidering his/her current
decision of not giving you the time of day romantically,
physically or sexually.

So these tips may sound simple but simplicity is a good
thing so that you do not push your partner further away,
with just the right balance of detachment and interest
before you know it you will literally be back in the arms
of your partner. 
For more information on how to put the spark back in your relationship and 
to build a strong intimate relationship foundation for you and your partner 
check out our Counsellor in a Box Home Study Relationship Program when you 
click on Counseling For Marriage.
Melody Chase is a Relationship Counsellor and Writer at
the Centre For Life Management. If you wish to save your
Marriage or relationship alone, we can help! Check out 
our breakthrough Counsellor in a Box" system by clicking on
Counseling For Marriage

The Christmas Sale for "Counsellor In A Box" Program ends 
at midnight on 17th December. If you'd like to get this 
revolutionary training system to save your Relationship 
or Marriage...and save $20 off the normal price, then go 
here now:
=> Counseling For Marriage
Check this great Christmas Bonus just for you -> Christmas Bonus

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